Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

MS Data Access Components

Mahesh Chand has written an article [[ Micrsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) ]] to explain various Microsoft database access methods and which one to use and when.

This article [[ Microsoft Jet Database Engine ]] in Wikipedia says that the Access ODBC developers used parts of the Jet code to produce the ODBC driver.

Access97 mdb in WinXP

Recently, I was asked to migrate an application from the WinNT4 world to the WinXP world. Here is some details of the application.

Old WorldNew World
OS of the PCWinNT4 WS SP6WinXP Pro SP3
The Application is written byDelphi 4N/A
Database ConnectivityODBCODBC
DatabaseAccess 97 mdb fileAccess 97 mdb file

My first question is : Do I need to install Access97 in WinXP ? This article [[ Microsoft Access in Wikipedia ]] says that Access97 is not supported by the WinXP OS. Also, there is significant transition was from the Access 97 to the Access 2000 format.

After searching the net, it seems that there are many problems when running Access97 in WinXP. For example, this article [[ Access 97 Install Difficulty on Windows XP - System.mdw ]] shows a life experience about the difficulties for installing Access97 in WinXP.

Is it possible to setup ODBC driver for the Access97 mdb file in WinXP ?. This post [[ Access97 ODBC ]] is doing this thing.

This article [[ Microsoft Jet Database Engine ]] in Wikipedia says that :
The Jet DLL determined what sort of database it was accessing, and how to perform what was requested of it. If the data source was an MDB file (a Microsoft Access format) then it would directly read and write the data to the file. If the data source was external, then it would call on the correct ODBC driver to perform its request.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Unicode Related Articles

This blog article [ 中文化和国际化问题权威解析之一:字符编码发展历程 ] give a clear and precise description on Unicode with a brief history of character encoding. The article is written in Simplified Chinese.

Friday, January 1, 2010

ASCII, Code Page and Unicode

This web page [ Microsoft Typography | Developer information | Character sets ] has documented the history of character sets from ASCII, OEM 8-bit character, Windows ANSI and code page, DBCS to Unicode. At the end of the web page, it also tells 12 steps to Unicode-enabling.

Unicode and UTF8

What is the relationship between Unicode and UTF-8 ? This article "What Is UTF-8 And Why Is It Important?" is quite good for reading. Anyway, I want to further explain a little bit.

Actually, the so-called Unicode for most of the time is referring to the mapping table which map a number (called code point) to a character. The number can be a small number between 0 to 127. This number will map to the normal ASCII characters. For example, the decimal number 65 (hex 41) map to English letter A.

The number can be a little larger, which need 16-bit to represent it. Then, this number will map to, such as, some commonly used Chinese character. For example, the decimal number 20,013 (hex 4E2D) map to Chinese character 中.

If the number is further larger (which need 20-bit to represent it), this number will map to, such as, some rarely used Chinese characters. For example, the decimal number 194,712 (hex 2F898) map to Chinese character 𦇚

So far, I am just talking about the mapping and the size (16-bit & 20-bit) of the number. I have not mentioned how to store this number.

At the first glance, you can simply store each character as a 20-bit number. But this is a waste of storage because there are many unused ZEROs. For example, the English letter A is ASCII-65. Its 1-byte representation is 0x41. Using 32-bit representation will be 0x00000041. There are many unused ZEROs at the beginning. For Chinese characters, those commonly used characters only need 2 bytes. If using 32-bit representation, the first 16-bit will also become unused ZEROs

To tackle this problem, a method UTF-8 is developed. This method will store the Unicode code point number in 1-byte, 2-byte or 3-byte, depending on the VALUE of the number. If the code point is a small number, i.e. those ASCII characters code points, only 1 byte will be used. About 1900+ code points (usually for those European letters) need 2 bytes. For those code points for commonly used Chinese characters, 3-byte is used.

It can be said that, under the UTF-8 method, the Unicode character table is divided into several areas. Those characters in the area related to ASCII will use 1-byte to store. About 1900+ characters in another area will use 2-byte to store. Most commonly used Chinese characters will use 3-byte to store.

Take an experiment, cut and paste the following line to PSPad :


Then, choose Format > UTF-8 and then save the file.

The file size is 27 bytes. The 10 English letters consume 10 x 1 = 10 bytes. The 4 Greek letters consume 4 x 2 = 8 bytes. The 3 Chinese characters consume 3 x 3 = 9 bytes. 10 + 8 + 9 = 27 bytes. You can open the file using Firefox 3.0.8 which can auto-detect UTF-8 to open the file.

(By the way, you can save it using UTF-16 LE encoding by chooseing Format > UTF-16 LE. The file size will be 36 byte. The 17 characters consumes 17 x 2 = 34 bytes. Plus the BOM marker FFFE total to 2 + 34 = 36 bytes. Firefox can also auto-detect UTF-16 LE to open the file.)

If simply looking at Chinese characters, this UTF-8 method seems quite "expensive" because it uses 3 bytes to store those commonly used Chinese characters. And, those Chinese characters is a 16-bit (2-byte) code point. In other words, there is a 8-bit (1-byte) overhead (i.e. 50% overhead) for each Chinese character. Yes, this is the truth. Therefore, if the information is a pure Chinese character, using UTF-8 will make the file size much larger than using UTF-16 !

But, UTF-8 has many advantages.

First of all, UTF-8 is backward compatible to all ASCII encoding. The ASCII can be treated as a subset of UTF-8. All English characters are represented using 1 byte, the same as ASCII. Therefore, all existing software or else handling ASCII can also handle UTF-8.

Secondly, there is no unused ZEROs in UTF-8. In C programming language, the null character ZERO is the string terminator. If there is such a ZERO in the stream, it will terminate the string. Then, this unused ZERO will make many C program behave not as expected. UTF-8 encoding method ensure that there is no unused ZEROs. Many C program can run as usual.

Also, UTF-8 can define the character BOUNDARY. In UTF-8, if the code point is for ASCII character, it is stored as 0zzzzzzz (where zzzzzzz is the ASCII value ranging from 0 to 127). For those code point needing 2-byte representation, it is stored as 110yyyzz 10zzzzzz (where yyyzzzzzzzz is the code point). For those code point (e.g. for Chinese character) which need a 3-byte representation, it is stored as 1110yyyy 10yyyyzz 10zzzzzz . In other words, all 16-bit Unicode character is either a (0-something) or (110-something 10-something) or (1110-something 10-something 10-something) representation in UTF-8. For a more technical details, please refer to the web page UTF-8 in Wikipedia.

Furthermore, in information transmission, UTF-8 can help detecting error. For example, if a new character is beginning with 1110-something, 3-byte is expected. There should be two 10-something bytes follows. If you cannot find 2 more 10-something bytes, there must be something wrong. For another example, a 2-byte representation is (110-something 10-something). It is impossible to have this sequence (110-something 0-something). There must be something wrong.

At last, although this article uses only 1-byte, 2-byte and 3-byte as example, in theory, UTF-8 can be expanded into 4-byte, 5-byte, ... etc. For example, the 4-byte representation will be 11110xxx 10xxyyyy 10yyyyzz 10zzzzzz. This 4-byte representation can denote 21-bit Unicode characters.

Other useful references:
  1. UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32 & BOM

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